
Fix your MacBook if you find these problems

Some clients ignore when MacBook running slow. It’s a yellow sign that means, some thing is going to damage. Don’t waste a second, back up all your stuff.

If you find following issues with your macBook, than you should take full data Back up, Don’t ignore it, contact us (24×7) 050-9334822, (W/Hrs) 04-3866175.

1) When you turn on the MacBook, it takes long time to load the icons on desktop.

2) After few hours working, MacBook automatically shutdown or restart etc.

3) When MacBook stuck on the white start up screen but some time work.

4) When you click on application or file, MacBook takes time to load it.

5) When you heard the tick tick noise, coming from the MacBook.

6) Some time power button missing to turn on the macBook.

7) MacBook over heating, you never feel like as before.

8) When you drop water or soft drink by mistake.

10) If any hardware failures etc.

for more details please visit us MacBook Repair Dubai

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